Field Services
We successfully delivered default notices, claims, family law documents, divorce papers, and other legal documents across Australia. Our experienced agents ensure swift and accurate completion while adhering to legislation. We also efficiently manage Enforcement Hearing Summons matters and settlements. To ensure precise affidavits, we offer in-house Justices of the Peace at our Queensland and South Australian offices.
​IRS GROUP acts as agents for financial institutions, collaborating with accredited locksmiths to secure properties per legislation. We provide a detailed property report, including photographs, damage assessments, and information on items left by previous occupants. We can arrange clean-ups, removals, and storage as needed.
A field call is an attendance at the subject’s given address/s in order to collect or recover monies, information, photos, or items on behalf of our clients. IRS Group provides field services, Australia wide, in both metropolitan and country areas. As representatives of our clients, we pride ourselves on our excellent standard of service and diligence in protecting the goodwill and reputation of all.
We approach debt collection by on charging our costs to your debtor, ensuring all collected monies go straight back to you.
We offer additional services such as skip tracing addresses, phone numbers, or assets; this can assist with placing caveats on owned property. To learn more about all our steps in the Debt Collection process, speak with one of our Team.
Repossessions are conducted in a timely manner Australia-wide by our very experienced, highly skilled, compliant Mercantile Agents. Items often repossessed: Cars, motorbikes, trucks, machinery, boats, and water vessels, computers, printers, and other office equipment, as well as commercial/shop stock and fixtures. No Job is too Big or Small.